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Chez Gersaint Antiquités

antiquites new armchairs

  • Polka dots crapauds
    All these armchairs are available. They have been restaured in our workshop. We choose them because they are exclusive and original. Don't hesitate to contact us for price and information Tous ces fauteuils sont disponibles à la vente dans notre magasin. ils ony été restaurés dans nos ateliers. Nous les avons choisis car ce sont des modèles exclusifs et originaux. pour plus d'information ou connaître leur prix, contactez nous


  • Pink sky in Giens , Provence
    why not a pink world ??

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« details of my summer decoration | Accueil | a wish ? a prayer ? »

13 juin 2008


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The Deco Detective

Hello Mélanie, I like the flower chandelier! I'm in the mood for something both romantic and glamorous these days =)


Everything is beautiful. I covet those aprons.


quelle jolie cuisine en provence, les decors, les tians, la ceramique, la terre cuite au sol et dans tes placards, even the paintings come to live for celebration, stepping outside of their frame... j'adore!
merci ma chère


Very NICE,
Very cozy and nice!
Your photos and your blog look great too!


I love it all! And I have TONS of food in my shoppe, too....makes the place more inviting I think! So very French so thank you for the tour this morn'


Mélanie, It is wonderful combination of objects and moods. I particularly love the little print of the curtain under the counter, what is it?


Lovely collection of antiques.

If they could I wonder what stories they might have to tell!


I loved the little bird cage. I had a bigger one (not an antique really) and I converted it into a coffee table with a piece of glass on top!


Cute kitchen! :)


I adore all the colors in your kitchen! ~ yes so very provencal! I can just imagine the artistic meals you create in such an environment!!!

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Antiques In France

  • Rubelli suzani
    All these pieces of antiques are to sell . They are all original , if not it is written.Don't hesitate to contact Toutes ces antiquités sont à vendre dans nos magasins et show room et dans nos entrepots.
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