I'm in the Alps in the front of the MOnt Blanc , it keeps on snowing
I hate snow and I'm not used to it !! the only thing I like with snow is decoration
Well I think I'm gonna show off my cold and snowing decoration
Pierre Frey is going to help me
Tyrol's fabric 155 euro / M
Tyrol accesories : such as bed cover with false fur or rucksack , cushions , china or others pillowe exist also

Tyrol accesories , you can make an entire snowing world at home thanks to this wonderful P . FRey
You can also have tablecloth , chinawares, printed tray , table
runner or placemat , even box of matches...phonebook and a lot of
others things in tyrol pattern
new red tyrol 2007 , I love this one also with cushions ..box ...
Eveything is availbale just need to contact me for information and price
Les 3 vallées fabric from P . Frey
Green Tyrol from P.frey
Montana fabric from P . Frey
Alpage fabric again from P . Frey
Picture from P. Frey .com , Paris show room
Different warm cushions from falsefur collection or snowflakes collection or country collection
To end with my warm and hot desire for a cosy interior , let's add some false fur
Falsefur cushions and throws
Hope your last days of the year are good