several posts made me think about voyages and how my job is a constant trip .
It is a trip into others periods , others cultures , others countries ...
All around my show room you have traces of these voyages
oriental ceramics
oriental jewells
asiatic headdress
orientalist photo for a boudoir or a fumoir
photos from an old trip
more souvenirs
and again
posts that made me think about voyages :
Bonjour Mélanie, interesting point of vue and so true. I love the different influences from other siècles...
Rédigé par : LoveYourHomes | 18 février 2009 à 22:19
The images are so beautiful. It would be so inspiring to have a whole wall of them to gaze on!
Rédigé par : Maryam | 20 février 2009 à 09:30
what a lovely life you have
Rédigé par : Di Overton | 20 février 2009 à 15:16