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Chez Gersaint Antiquités

antiquites new armchairs

  • Polka dots crapauds
    All these armchairs are available. They have been restaured in our workshop. We choose them because they are exclusive and original. Don't hesitate to contact us for price and information Tous ces fauteuils sont disponibles à la vente dans notre magasin. ils ony été restaurés dans nos ateliers. Nous les avons choisis car ce sont des modèles exclusifs et originaux. pour plus d'information ou connaître leur prix, contactez nous


  • Pink sky in Giens , Provence
    why not a pink world ??

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« voyage | Accueil | MY TREASURES »

30 décembre 2007


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melissa @ the inspired room

Happiest of New Years to you! Enjoy meeting a fellow blogger! Can't wait to hear more,


Sandra Evertson

Happy New Year!
Sandra Evertson


Have a wonderful time.

Happy New Year!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

How fun! Happy New Year :)


Lucky you - sounds wonderful - I would love to go there. Happy New Year!

Liberty Post Editor

How Cool! Meeting another blogger. I can't wait to hear all about it.


oh mon dieu, d'origines en plus!! quelle surprise ma chère mélanie!
j'en suis sure que tu passes un voyage splendide.

maryam in marrakesh

I will be in Istabul in 2 weeks for a shopping weekend with my best friend. will you pls share with me some addresses? I know you have such a wonderful eye.

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Antiques In France

  • Rubelli suzani
    All these pieces of antiques are to sell . They are all original , if not it is written.Don't hesitate to contact Toutes ces antiquités sont à vendre dans nos magasins et show room et dans nos entrepots.
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