You know me I have tons of addictions , i'm not talking about alcohol , drugs or ...
No I'm talking about addiction to antiques ...
I have a passion for old shoes ( you 've already known that)
I have a passion for provencal terracottas ( idem)
I have a passion for paintings (idem)
But I also have a passion for locks and keys and also doors , My grand mother used o tell me it was very symbolic . And that is right I love locks but when they are open , the same for the door and I love to look at keys but not use them. ...Non Non Non I'm not crazy
this door comes from a huge bastide in Provence and it is going to be destroyed so I've bought this work of art
I hope one of my client would love it and would give it another life
the photo looks a little bit weird because the door is so heavy that we put it as it came , and it was upside down, the same for the photo of the lock ( it makes me smile)
upside down lock
For price or information for this bastide XIX th century door, contact me